
Why You'll Benefit From Spring Cleaning Your Client List advice finding clients Dec 16, 2021

Whether once a year you Maria Kondo the s*** out of the dumping ground that was once your top kitchen drawer, or if each season you go through your closet to donate clothes that no longer fit, the feeling a good declutter gives you is well worth the effort put in.

It's healthy to give our homes a...

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Are you just winging it? advice mindset Nov 09, 2021

Or are you plodding along, haphazardly getting clients, hoping the business you wish you had will magically happen? ‍


Winging it only gets you so far. Creating the life you desire (that one that gives you the ultimate in freedom and flexibility) requires a plan and focus.

We (along...

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The most underestimated strategy for success advice mindset Nov 08, 2021

You're living the dream ... right?

You work from home and around your family and lifestyle.

You choose your hours, your services and your clients.

You've found a business that gives you the ultimate in freedom and flexibility.

You've got the skills, you know how to find (and keep!) clients...

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Thought you'd ticked all the boxes? advice Nov 03, 2021

"Offer services you both love and have the skills and experience to deliver" they told you!

"Be yourself, make meaningful connections" they repeated!

"Move away from casual hourly rates and offer service plans and packages instead" they cried!

"Niche and they will come" they proclaimed!


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Is Over-Apologising Hurting Your Business? advice mindset Oct 19, 2021

How often have you said 'sorry' to someone this week?

Probably too many!

Women tend to use apologies as a way to cushion their actions.

It goes waaaaay back to when women were (and let's be honest - can still be!) penalised for verbalising their opinions, speaking up and speaking out.

If that...

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Have You Been Missing Out? advice mindset Oct 04, 2021

Last week it was International Podcast Day!

A shout out to all the podcasters and podcast listeners amongst us!

Launching The Sam + Jo VA Show was a game changer for us in terms of our reach. Why help a small handful of VAs when we can instead empower thousands thanks to recording our...

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You're Not Going To Be The Right Fit VA For Everyone - And That's Okay #marketing advice finding clients getting started mindset money sales scaling services tools Sep 20, 2021

Just like not every client is going to be the right-fit for you, you're not going to be the right-fit for every client you meet and/or work with.

You could be the highest performing, most professional, incredibly charming VA super-star around and there will still be clients that won't:

  1. Book a...
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Why It Really Doesn't Matter What You Call Yourself advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools Sep 13, 2021

Virtual Assistant, Online Business Manager, Virtual EA, Freelance PA, Bookkeeper, Podcast Manager, Business Support Provider, Social Media Manager, Content Creator, Mailchimp Expert, Transcriber, Online Administrator, Remote Personal Assistant ...

Holy hecka!

That my friends is just a small drop...

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Will You Make It In Business? #advice #marketing finding clients getting started mindset money sales scaling services tools Sep 07, 2021

Every single one of us has the ability to create the VA business of our dreams.

So why are so many failing? 

For every 10 aspiring virtual assistants we see enter (or attempt to enter) the VA industry, only 2 or 3 actually go on to grow thriving businesses that last longer than 12 months.


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Are Your Insecurities Holding You Back? advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools Sep 03, 2021

Yep we bet your insecurities about the way you look are definitely holding your business back!

If you're serious about growing your VA business, about really levelling it up, then it's imperative you stop hiding behind your biz name and logo.

The virtual assistants we see out there killing it,...

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