Launch your dream VA business in 30 days

Be your own boss. Replace your 9-5 income. And get the freedom and flexibility you’ve been searching for.

Sam & Jo

You’re beyond ready to quit your 9-5 job and start your own virtual assistant business.

You’re ready for Freedom (with a capital ‘F’).

The freedom to choose your own hours, to work flexibly around your kids and commitments, and to have time for things other than work.

You want the freedom to be able to work from home, or at a cafe, or wherever the hell you feel like working.

Just as long as there’s no boss breathing down your neck, telling you where to be, and when to be there.


And the idea of choosing who you work with and picking your own clients? That sounds like a dreeeeam.

No more toxic work relationships, no more passive aggressive managers, no more running yourself ragged trying to make everyone (but you) happy.

Most of all – you’re ready to replace your 9-5 income doing work you love, supporting businesses you’re passionate about. 

Ohh yes. You are soo ready to leave your 9-5 and start your own VA business.

Sam & Jo


You have no idea HOW to get started setting up your VA business

You’re new to this VA online business world, which means you don’t even know where to begin.

But it’s not just that.

There’s everything you don’t know…then there’s everything you don’t even know you don’t know.

That’s a lot of not knowing.

Jo and Sam

You’ve spent hours Googling questions like…

❓ How to become a virtual assistant

❓ How to start a virtual assistant business

❓ How much do virtual assistants make per month?

❓ How to make six figures as a virtual assistant?

But those search results – mostly blog posts – just cause you more stress.

They tell you to…

“Write a business plan.” (How?!)

“Invest in the right tools.” (Which tools?!)

“Pick a niche.” (That sounds scary – and permanent!”)


Maybe you’ve even bought online courses, read ebooks, and signed up for free and paid webinars.

And still, you have no clue how to set up your VA business in a way that will make it successful and profitable.

A business that your friends and family will take seriously.

But this is your dream career – so even though you have no clue what to do next, you don’t give up.

You keep searching for business-building resources that might help you.

You keep joining free Facebook groups for VAs.

You keep social media stalking (and envying) successful VAs who have somehow found a way to make it work.

You tell yourself you don’t have the knowledge, the time, or the resources to do what they’ve done.

But the truth is, you’re procrastinating.

Sam and Jo

Here are 3 reasons you keep stopping yourself from starting your VA business

Nope, I'm ready to start right now!

1. You don’t believe in yourself

You want to start your VA business, but you don’t really believe you can do it.

Your fear of failure is stopping you from taking the steps you need to.

You’re plagued by self-doubt. “What if I fall flat on my face? What will my friends and family think?”

You feel like an imposter. “I can’t call myself a VA! I’m not a VA! Who’s going to take me seriously? Who would ever hire me?”

You feel like even though other people have done it, you just can’t. “This is my dream job. There’s no way I can turn this into a profitable business and career”

Sam and Jo

2. You’re overwhelmed

You already have so much going on in your life and work.

Starting a business from scratch? That feels like too much for you to take on right now.

You don’t have the brain space to figure it all out on your own. You wish someone could just take over and tell you exactly what you need to do, so you can just…do it.

3. You’re impatient for success

If you’re going to quit your 9-5 job, you need to replace that income…and you need to do it fast.

You don’t have time to make amateur mistakes that will cost you money and time.

You want a fast-track option that guarantees you’ll set up your VA business right first-time.

Sam and Jo

You're not wrong to feel lost, scared and (a lot) overwhelmed


Building a profitable VA business is f***ing hard work


You need to figure out how to:

😓 Find high-paying clients
😓 Sell yourself and market your business
😓 Manage your time when your business and your kids are constantly fighting for attention
😓 Decide on your offers and packages
😓 Set your prices and make sure you get paid on time
😓 Onboard and manage your clients
😓 Save for taxes and GST
😓 Ensure good cash flow
😓 Decide which systems/tools to invest in
😓 Build your confidence as a business owner
😓 Get organised and avoid overwhelm
😓 Protect yourself and your business legally

And that’s not even the complete to-do list 👆

But here's the thing –


The only reason you’re so lost when it comes to getting started with your VA business…is because no one’s ever shown you HOW to get started (DUH!)

Show me how!

But what if someone did show you?

What if building your VA business was as straightforward as following a step-by-step playbook?

What if it was simple?

What if you had the expertise and guidance of two successful VA business owners who would hold your hand during every business-building step?

Jo and Sam

What if these experts could answer all your burning questions, so you never have to do any of it alone or wonder if you’re getting it right?

And what if you could set up your VA business in just 30 days?

Curious? We’ll tell you how you can make all this happen in just a minute.

First, it’s time we introduce ourselves properly


We're Sam and Jo - the VAs and coaches behind The VA Foundry

We teach aspiring and beginner VAs like you how to start a thriving VA business

Sam and Jo

We first met on a Zoom call in 2019 – and before the call was over we’d become ride or dies and we’d hatched a plan for our first business collaboration: The International Virtual Assistant Summit.

When that summit turned out to be a HUGE hit, we knew we were a match made in heaven.

We combined our zones of genius and rebranded Jo’s already existing VA school into our current business: The VA Foundry.

Through The VA Foundry, we’ve supported over 3974 VAs around the world by teaching them how to build a booked-out and in-demand VA business.

We’re also the hosts of The Sam and Jo VA Show podcast (which has over 81,803 downloads and counting!)

Wanna know what makes us the perfect coaches for YOU?

Number 2

We’re working VAs

We haven’t just slapped on a “VA Coach” label after one or two years of experience.

Between us, we have 18 years of experience as VA business owners – and we’re both still working VAs.

Everything we teach comes directly from our own experience (no guesswork or hypotheticals here!), and that means we always have our fingers on the pulse of the VA world.

Number 2

We tailor our coaching specifically for Kiwi and Aussie VAs

We’re based in New Zealand, and all our advice, coaching, and content is tailored for VAs who are setting up their business in New Zealand and Australia.

It’s one thing to Google, “how to set up a VA business in New Zealand or Australia”...

It’s a whole other thing to have two dedicated New Zealand-based coaches who are creating content specifically for you, your laws, and the systems you have to work in.

(No more wondering, “does this apply to me?”. Our course content is MADE for you).

Number 3

We’re mums too!

We know what it’s like to be stuck in a job that keeps you away from your family.

We know what it’s like to desperately want to take back control of your life.

We know what it’s like to want to start a business that serves you and your family, so you can build a life you actually enjoy.

If you’re not a mum, we’re still the perfect coaches for you because we get the importance of making time to do amazing stuff that isn’t work.

Wanna get to know us better as individuals?

Hey, I'm Jo! 👋

(AKA The Queen of Scaling & The Million Dollar Agency Owner)

As someone who's been building a VA business for over 10 years, I'm what Sam calls an OG in the New Zealand VA scene

I’ve picked up some awards along the way –

🏆 Young Business Person of the Year for 2015 at the Wellington Region Business Excellence Awards

🏆 2017 Best Professional Services Award at the Wellington Region Business Excellence Awards

🏆 2022 Top Performing VA Agency in New Zealand

🏆 2022 Best Virtual Assistant Website in New Zealand

🏆 2022 Supreme Winner at the NZ Culture Excellence Awards

Jo Jensen

I’m also the owner of a million dollar VA agency called Strictly Savvy, and with the help of my 25-strong team and general manager, that company now runs without me.

Having a company that doesn’t need me in it means I have the time and energy to focus on my other business with Sam: The VA Foundry.

One thing you need to know about me is that I LOVE talking about money 💰

I’m an open book when it comes to how my VA business went from hitting $850K in revenue to $1.5 million in just two years.


Because I want to help you get comfortable talking about serious money, so you can make a whole lot more of it 💸💸💸

Hey, I'm Sam! 👋

(AKA The Community Architect & The Founder of The Virtual Assistant Network of NZ)

In some ways, I’m almost the complete opposite of Jo.

I’ve never wanted to run an agency or grow a team. Honestly, I'd rather sign up to run a marathon than manage a team of 25 🥴 

(No offence, Jo! 🤭)


My dream was to run a solo freelance VA business, because I don’t ever want to be bogged down by having to manage other people.

So that's exactly the business I built!

Sam Browne

Today, I’m a premium, booked-out VA with a waitlist of ready-to-invest clients.

My one-person business gives me the freedom to:

😍 Finish work at 2pm every single day 

😍 Switch off once work is over (and not take work home! Pure BLISS!)

😍 Do project-based work that has a clear start and end date (Gotta love boundaries!)

😍 Take the entire month of January off work so I can enjoy summer with my kids – every year

My superpower is connection, relationships, fun and bringing people together – which is probably why I ended up creating New Zealand’s first and only Virtual Assistant Network. 

My life’s ethos is “Community Over Competition”. Always.

Lucky for you, we’ve made ALL the business mistakes
( you don’t have to) 


We’ve wasted time and money on marketing strategies that got us a grand total of ZERO clients. (That sucked!)


We’ve struggled to pay our bills because we had no idea how to manage our cash flow. (Turns out there’s an easy fix for this!)


We’ve not saved up for taxes and ended up owing the tax man thousands and thousands of dollars. (Actually, that one was all Jo 👀)

Sam and Jo

Were these mistakes painful?


Would we erase them if we could turn back time and have a do-over?


All the business mistakes we’ve made along the way have helped us get to where we are today.

But if we can stop YOU from having to experience the same painful lessons we did, that’s what we’ll do. 

We want to help you skip the rookie errors and go straight to the part where you’re running a thriving, successful VA business.

Here’s how…


✨ Launch in 30 Days ✨

The step-by-step guide to launching your dream VA business, and landing your first-ever *well-paying* client

( just 30 days!)

I'm ready. Sign me up!
Launch in 30 Days

Bri was feeling stuck in a corporate EA role and knew she was meant for more

Listen to her share how Launch in 30 Days has changed her life 👇


Let us hold your hand and guide you through the process of setting up and launching your VA business

Using the step-by-step playbook, Launch in 30 Days teaches you how to –

🔥 Plan your business

🔥 Build your business

🔥 Launch your business

But we don’t stop there. We also teach you how to –

💰 Land your first client

💰 Onboard your first client

💰 WOW your first client

 …so you can rinse and repeat the process until you have an entire roster of well-paying clients, and a thriving, profitable VA business.

Launch in 30 Days

When you join Launch in 30 Days, you’ll get…

30x daily videos that take you from zero to fully-launched and fully-functioning VA business in just 30 days

Direct access to us in our Ask Us Anything Group Calls. We’ll answer all your questions and keep you on track so you can hit your business goals


Exclusive access to our members-only online community 
where you’ll meet fellow VAs, make new friends, give and receive support, and stop feeling so alone

Game-changing business templates 
that save you time and money, like our business plan template, our legally-sound client contract template, our pricing calculator, our sales script, our pitch template and more

Website Template

A stunning website template that you can customise and have live in just ONE day thanks to its drag-and-drop capability plus video tutorials to take you step-by-step through your website build.

Jo and Sam

A course completion certificate and digital badge to display on your website

Plus so much more! (See our module breakdown for more info!)

I'm ready to launch
Bri McDonald Testimonial

This course far exceeded my expectations. The tools and support provided throughout the course are amazing.

Sam + Jo are very knowledgeable and go above and beyond to support new virtual assistants heading into the industry.

Before starting Launch in 30 Days, I knew I wanted to launch my business but didn’t know how or where to start. This training gave me everything I needed to bring on my first client. Right now I’m up to lucky client number six.

I have built my business faster than I could have imagined. Therefore, I 110% recommend Launch in 30 Days to anyone considering it. You will not regret it!

During my first month I brought in $7,000, excluding GST. Several months in, I am on track to earn $10,000 (excluding GST) monthly.

~ Bri McDonald

Ready to find out what you’ll learn inside Launch in 30 Days?

Every day, we’ll release one comprehensive training video (plus helpful worksheets and game-changing templates) that walks you through how to set up and launch your new VA business.


That's one value-packed daily video for 30 days.

Take a peek inside the course videos...



Let’s take a look at each day’s content!

(Click the arrow to scroll through each day or email us at [email protected] to request the full course curriculum)


Website Template & Tutorials 


You can finally stop worrying about –

😭 IF you need a website
😭 When to create a website
😭 How to create a website
😭 What you should put on your website
😭 Whether you should put your rates on your website
😭 If you can even afford to get a website built

When you join Launch in 30 Days, you’ll get our stunning fully customisable website template.

Plus you get lifetime access to video tutorials that take you step-by-step through your website build so you can get your website live in just one day.

Thank you drag-and-drop!


The AI Survival Kit 

Website Template

Set up your business in a future-proofed way, right from the start.

🤖 Understand the real impact of AI on the VA industry and why it's not the villain in our story.

🤖 Learn how to harness the power of AI tools to not just survive but thrive

🤖 Discover brand new strategies to make your mark in a world where being human is your superpower

🤖 Uncover the biggest opportunities we see for virtual assistants coming soon and how to get ready for them.

When you join Launch in 30 Days, you’ll get our brand new AI Survival Kit for virtual assistants.

You'll have lifetime access to the Kit plus all future updates.

Get 21 future-proofing roadmaps, video training, AI tools, resources and more!

Bring on the AI-empowered virtual assistant era!

You'll also get...

Zoom call

5x Weekly Ask Us Anything Group Calls with Sam & Jo

Get the personalised support and accountability you need in our weekly 60-minute Q&A calls.

We’ll answer all your questions so you finish this course with absolute clarity on how to launch your VA business and land your first well-paying client.

You’ll get unstuck, get feedback on the progress you’re making, and advice when you’re feeling unsure.


Exclusive Access to Our Private Online Community

(For 90 days)

Building a business can be so lonely – but it won’t be when you join Launch in 30 Days.

Inside our private community of VAs, you’ll meet like-minded business women who GET YOU.

Instead of being your competitors, these women will grow to become your squad.

Your people. Your friends. Your supporters. Your cheerleaders.

We don’t just believe in community over competition…we live and breathe it.

Why build your VA business alone when you can build it with two industry leading coaches and a group of fellow VAs who want to see you win?

Virtual Assistant Community NZ
Amber Berends

"There is so much value in Launch in 30 Days! The support and guidance you receive from Sam + Jo is amazing. They have seen it all, tried it all, and seeing the tangible results so quickly means it’s undeniable these two ladies know what they’re talking about and are truly invested in your success. 

The past 30 days has been transformational for me. I’ve now truly stepped into a business owner mindset, am now confident in backing myself as a virtual assistant and am part of a really supportive community. 

Every single day of this course is jam-packed with in-depth information and is amazingly executed. It’s obvious each module has been carefully thought out and planned so you get exactly what you need when you need it."

~ Amber Berends

Amber Berends
Jessica Blackie
Jessica Blackie

“Launch in 30 Days is full of practical advice that has been tailored to suit all VAs starting out. The course covered everything I needed including the encouragement, support and push required to launch my business.

Before the 30 days was up I was generating new leads AND landed my first $5k client.

Thanks to Sam + Jo my self-belief and confidence have skyrocketed. I’m super excited for the rest of my journey.

~ Jessica Blackie

Okay, so there’s one smaaaall catch…

There are just 15 spots available inside Launch in 30 Days

We're limiting the spots available so that Launch in 30 Days is a space where 

Jo and Sam

Your voice will be heard

You won’t have to worry about being drowned out by a sea of voices and faces.


You’ll get the absolute BEST from your coaches

A smaller, more intimate group means we have the capacity to give you the attention you deserve, and to make sure all your questions are answered.

Ready to skip the overwhelm and get the exact steps you need to launch your VA business and land your first well-paying client?

The next Launch in 30 Days VIP intake starts on 1 February


$2497 NZD

One Payment

  • 30x daily video modules

  • 5x Ask Us Anything group calls

  • Members-only online community

  • Game-changing business templates

  • Pricing calculator

  • Client contract template

  • Onboarding process
  • Course completion certificate

  • Digital badge to display on your website

  • BONUS: Stunning website template and tutorials

  • BONUS: The AI Survival Kit


$920 NZD

3 Monthly Payments

  • 30x daily video modules

  • 5x Ask Us Anything group calls

  • Members-only online community

  • Game-changing business templates

  • Pricing calculator

  • Client contract template

  • Onboarding process
  • Course completion certificate

  • Digital badge to display on your website

  • BONUS: Stunning website template and tutorials

  • BONUS: The AI Survival Kit

Don't want to wait?

Join our budget-friendly DIY version of Launch in 30 Days

This self-study course contains all the same modules, training, and bonuses detailed on this page – except for access to our 5 Ask Us Anything Group Calls and Private Online Community.

Without the coaching and community element, you’ll get your hands on Launch in 30 Days at a lower price point (saves $400) and you’ll get to work through it at your own pace instead of having to keep up with 14 other VAs.

You’ll start right away with access to Day 1, and every day after that you’ll get access to another day’s content until you reach the final day (Day 30).

If the DIY version of Launch in 30 Days sounds right for you, join now. Let’s do this!


$2097 NZD

One Payment

  • 30x daily video modules

  • 5x Ask Us Anything group calls

  • Members-only online community

  • Game-changing business templates

  • Pricing calculator

  • Client contract template

  • Onboarding process
  • Course completion certificate

  • Digital badge to display on your website

  • BONUS: Stunning website template and tutorials

  • BONUS: The AI Survival Kit
Prefer to pay in AUD?


$770 NZD

3 Monthly Payments

  • 30x daily video modules

  • 5x Ask Us Anything group calls

  • Members-only online community

  • Game-changing business templates

  • Pricing calculator

  • Client contract template

  • Onboarding process
  • Course completion certificate

  • Digital badge to display on your website

  • BONUS: Stunning website template and tutorials

  • BONUS: The AI Survival Kit
OR $1947 AUD
OR $717 AUD
Prefer to pay in AUD?

“Shortly after completing the course, I quit my 9-5 and I'm fully booked with clients. I am so thankful I did the course. It has seriously changed my life.”

~ Bri McDonald

Bri McDonald
Suzanne Teague

“This course is the best thing I ever done. I'm an overthinker and a planner so it made sense to get some skills and resources under my belt before putting myself out there! This course did this in spades!

Practical common sense advice, positive reinforcement, Sam and Jo went over and above the course brief to support their enrollees!

Since completing the course and launching my business I have landed my first client.

If you're thinking of the VA journey then this is a must do!"

~ Suzanne Teague


So what makes Launch in 30 Days different from other VA courses?

Other VA courses

Launch in 30 Days

Access to one coach (or sometimes no coach!).

Access to TWO coaches who are industry experts in running both a one-person VA business and a million-dollar VA agency.

That’s two coaches for the price of one!

No Q&A calls.

Or monthly Q&As calls that can’t help you with timely or urgent issues because the next Q&A call is a whole month away.

x5 Ask Us Anything Group Calls where you get to ask us your questions and get direct feedback on the business you’re building – as you’re building it.

Created for an international audience – which means the content isn’t always relevant to VAs in New Zealand and Australia.

Created specifically for VAs in New Zealand and Australia – which means all the content is 100% relevant to you and your business.

Long-term commitment or ongoing membership.

Short-term 30-day commitment.

Force you to choose a niche before you’re ready.

No niche necessary. We don’t believe you need one at this stage in your business.

Unlimited spots = more VAs = less attention on you and your business.

Limited spots = intimate community = more time and attention given to you and your business.

A huge community that makes you feel invisible.

And there are so many people in there that you just can’t create any meaningful friendships.

Small, close-knit community where you feel seen and heard.

Everybody knows and supports each other!

Video training that you need to listen to a bunch of waffle before the coach gets to the important bits.

To-the-point daily videos that only include what you need to know and nothing that you don't. 


Once you’ve finished the course, you’re left to fend for yourself and figure out the rest on your own.

Once you’ve finished this course, you’ll be invited to join our Scale It! mastermind, so you can continue being coached by us as you start scaling your VA business.

Here's what past Launchers say

If we’re being totally honest with you…


We see thousands of women trying to set up their dream VA business.

Most of them fail.

Not because they’re failures.

Not because they’re not smart enough.

Not because they don’t want it enough.

And not because they’re not capable.

Website Template

They fail at building their dream VA business because they –

❌ Don’t know where to start
❌ Don’t know where to go or who to ask for help
❌ Set up their business and then sit around waiting for clients to come (but they never do)
❌ Don’t know how to price their work so they undervalue themselves and never learn how to land well-paying clients
❌ Have low self-confidence and are plagued with self-doubt and imposter syndrome
❌ Land their first client and have no idea what to do next (so they eventually lose that client)
❌ Feel completely lost

It’s time you set yourself up for success

Inside Launch in 30 Days, we give you the EXACT steps you need to build a thriving VA business.

With us and this course in your back pocket, you’ll get –

🌟 Guidance
🌟 Direction
🌟 Clarity

You’ll stop feeling so alone.

You’ll stop feeling like a fish out of water.

You’ll stop wondering, “What do I do next? What’s my biggest priority?”

But you should know…

Launch in 30 Days isn’t right for everyone

Jo and Sam

This course is perfect for you if 👇

🔲 You’re overwhelmed with how to get started as a VA

🔲 You're beyond ready to quit your 9-5 job and replace your income with more freedom and flexibility

🔲 You've been waiting for the perfect time to launch your VA business

🔲 You’re able to cover the usual costs of starting a business (e.g. paying for your domain name, email address, password manager, website hosting - approx $840/yr NZD)

🔲 You have a skillset you can use in your VA business (e.g. administration, bookkeeping, accounts, EA, PA, office management, social media, design, HR, project management, event planning, or customer service)


This course is NOT a good fit for you if 👇

🔲 You already have a thriving VA business (check out Scale It Mastermind instead!)

🔲 You don’t have an existing skillset you can sell to clients

🔲 You’re not really sure what VAs do

🔲 You find it hard to motivate yourself. (We can push you, but we’re your coaches – not your mothers!)

Right now, it feels totally unrealistic that you could launch your VA business (and land your first client) in just 30 days

But these women did it 👇 And so can you

Tash Budd Testimonial

“I highly recommended this course. The course content sets you up to start your own business in 30 days or less. Sam + Jo are so supportive and the other course members. I have replaced my income in 6 weeks since starting my business. Once the 90 days is up it's quite sad it's like your leaving a loved family member, but Sam + Jo are still interested to know how I am getting on.

It's so nice to know they are there if I need further guidance. "

Kirsty McMillan

Ready to skip the overwhelm and get the exact steps you need to launch your VA business and land your first well-paying client?

The next Launch in 30 Days VIP intake starts on 1 February


$2497 NZD

One Payment

  • 30x daily video modules

  • 5x Ask Us Anything group calls

  • Members-only online community

  • Game-changing business templates

  • Pricing calculator

  • Client contract template

  • Onboarding process
  • Course completion certificate

  • Digital badge to display on your website

  • BONUS: Stunning website template and tutorials

  • BONUS: The AI Survival Kit


$920 NZD

3 Monthly Payments

  • 30x daily video modules

  • 5x Ask Us Anything group calls

  • Members-only online community

  • Game-changing business templates

  • Pricing calculator

  • Client contract template

  • Onboarding process
  • Course completion certificate

  • Digital badge to display on your website

  • BONUS: Stunning website template and tutorials

  • BONUS: The AI Survival Kit

Don't want to wait?

Join our budget-friendly DIY version of Launch in 30 Days

This self-study course contains all the same modules, training, and bonuses detailed on this page – except for access to our 5 Ask Us Anything Group Calls and Private Online Community.

Without the coaching and community element, you’ll get your hands on Launch in 30 Days at a lower price point (saves $400) and you’ll get to work through it at your own pace instead of having to keep up with 14 other VAs.

You’ll start right away with access to Day 1, and every day after that you’ll get access to another day’s content until you reach the final day (Day 30).

If the DIY version of Launch in 30 Days sounds right for you, join now. Let’s do this!


$2097 NZD

One Payment

  • 30x daily video modules

  • 5x Ask Us Anything group calls

  • Members-only online community

  • Game-changing business templates

  • Pricing calculator

  • Client contract template

  • Onboarding process
  • Course completion certificate

  • Digital badge to display on your website

  • BONUS: Stunning website template and tutorials

  • BONUS: The AI Survival Kit
Prefer to pay in AUD?


$770 NZD

3 Monthly Payments

  • 30x daily video modules

  • 5x Ask Us Anything group calls

  • Members-only online community

  • Game-changing business templates

  • Pricing calculator

  • Client contract template

  • Onboarding process
  • Course completion certificate

  • Digital badge to display on your website

  • BONUS: Stunning website template and tutorials

  • BONUS: The AI Survival Kit
OR $1947 AUD
OR $717 AUD
Prefer to pay in AUD?

Why 30 days?

Sam and Jo

Because you can. 

You can build your VA business in just 30 days. 

It doesn’t need to take a year. It doesn’t even need to take two months. 

If you’re sitting around waiting for all the right conditions before you start your VA business, you’ll never start it

By giving you just 30 days to plan your business, launch your business, and land your first client, we’re helping you say –

No to procrastination

No to perfectionism

No to inaction

Because doing something is better than doing nothing.  

And imperfection is better than perfection. 

And action is better than inaction.

You don’t have to know everything about business or being a VA to start setting up your business.

You don’t need certification or any other kind of permission to start your business. 

You don’t need a business degree. 

You are enough. 

And with the help of our step-by-step course and community, 30 days is all you need.

“This course is the only one you need, seriously!

~ Gaby Phan

Kirsty McMillan

“Best course I've ever done. So much covered and more! You won't regret it. Invaluable! Thanks Sam & Jo!”

~ Tracy Davis



Ready to skip the overwhelm and get the exact steps you need to launch your VA business and land your first well-paying client?

The next Launch in 30 Days VIP intake starts on 1 February


$2497 NZD

One Payment

  • 30x daily video modules

  • 5x Ask Us Anything group calls

  • Members-only online community

  • Game-changing business templates

  • Pricing calculator

  • Client contract template

  • Onboarding process
  • Course completion certificate

  • Digital badge to display on your website

  • BONUS: Stunning website template and tutorials

  • BONUS: The AI Survival Kit


$920 NZD

3 Monthly Payments

  • 30x daily video modules

  • 5x Ask Us Anything group calls

  • Members-only online community

  • Game-changing business templates

  • Pricing calculator

  • Client contract template

  • Onboarding process
  • Course completion certificate

  • Digital badge to display on your website

  • BONUS: Stunning website template and tutorials

  • BONUS: The AI Survival Kit

Don't want to wait?

Join our budget-friendly DIY version of Launch in 30 Days

This self-study course contains all the same modules, training, and bonuses detailed on this page – except for access to our 5 Ask Us Anything Group Calls and Private Online Community.

Without the coaching and community element, you’ll get your hands on Launch in 30 Days at a lower price point (saves $400) and you’ll get to work through it at your own pace instead of having to keep up with 14 other VAs.

You’ll start right away with access to Day 1, and every day after that you’ll get access to another day’s content until you reach the final day (Day 30).

If the DIY version of Launch in 30 Days sounds right for you, join now. Let’s do this!


$2097 NZD

One Payment

  • 30x daily video modules

  • 5x Ask Us Anything group calls

  • Members-only online community

  • Game-changing business templates

  • Pricing calculator

  • Client contract template

  • Onboarding process
  • Course completion certificate

  • Digital badge to display on your website

  • BONUS: Stunning website template and tutorials

  • BONUS: The AI Survival Kit
Prefer to pay in AUD?


$770 NZD

3 Monthly Payments

  • 30x daily video modules

  • 5x Ask Us Anything group calls

  • Members-only online community

  • Game-changing business templates

  • Pricing calculator

  • Client contract template

  • Onboarding process
  • Course completion certificate

  • Digital badge to display on your website

  • BONUS: Stunning website template and tutorials

  • BONUS: The AI Survival Kit
OR $1947 AUD
OR $717 AUD
Prefer to pay in AUD?
Tash Budd Testimonial

“I give 100% credit to The VA Foundry for where I am today (and a little bit of me of course).

I went from low self-confidence in a corporate company where I felt everything I did wasn't 'right' feeling empowered and proud that I have set myself up to earn more income than I was earning in that job – with more freedom and flexibility.”

~ Tash Budd, Admin Collective