
Tips For What To Do When You Get A YES! advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools Jan 15, 2018

So you got your first YES! Time to celebrate!!

So why doesn't that feeling last?

Did you know that most people feel instant dread once they land their first client?

Oh no, now I have to actually deliver on what I promised! Now what? I have no idea what I'm doing. What if they aren't happy...

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Getting Through Your First Networking Event advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools Jan 01, 2018

Like it or not, starting a virtual assistant business means networking.

Just sitting behind your computer won't get you clients.

To be a valued virtual assistant, you need to build trust and meeting face to face is an important way to build that trust.

I know, I know...if you're an introvert or...

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