Will You Make It In Business?

#advice #marketing finding clients getting started mindset money sales scaling services tools Sep 07, 2021
Will You Make It In Business?

Every single one of us has the ability to create the VA business of our dreams.

So why are so many failing? 

For every 10 aspiring virtual assistants we see enter (or attempt to enter) the VA industry, only 2 or 3 actually go on to grow thriving businesses that last longer than 12 months.

Truthfully there are some men and women who simply aren’t cut out to be a VA. This often comes down to the lack of skills and experience they have coming in.

But more often than not the things holding the majority of aspiring VA business owners back from success is their mindset.

To make your business a success you need to:

  1.  Launch
  2.  Grow
  3.  Thrive

The reasons why this won't happen for many are:

  • Imposter Syndrome (lack of confidence)
  • Shiny Object Syndrome (focusing on the wrong things)
  • Overthinking

All that’s needed is a mindset shift in order to break through the blocks that are holding you back.

Mindset (what you believe about yourself) plays a major role in what you want and whether (or not) you'll actually achieve it.

Many of us come into the VA business thinking that our willpower and motivation is all we need in order to succeed.

When in actual fact, as powerful as they both are, they won't be enough unless you can accept that failure is part of business.

You're going to fail at some point.

Not everyone is going to want to work with you, not everyone will be able to afford you, not everyone will see the incredible value you can bring to their business.

You're going to make mistakes, you're going to lose clients, you're going to fire clients, you're going to have trouble finding clients.

Those VAs succeeding in life and business know and accept this.

They have given themselves permission to not get it right all the time and are prepped for rejection and failure.

They have embraced taking consistent imperfect action and throw themselves out of their comfort zones in order to grow.

Mindset shifts don't happen by chance, they happen by CHOICE.

If you believe it (and then take the necessary steps to achieve it) you'll do it!


Sam + Jo xoxo 




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