
Understanding Personality Styles advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools Jul 02, 2018

Understanding your own personality style and the style of other people can lead to you being more successful in your virtual assistant business. You'll have happy clients, perform better in sales meetings and build a high performing team. I talk with Cathy Sheppard - a DiSC personality styles...

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What To Say When Someone Asks For A Discount advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money pricing sales scaling services tools Jun 18, 2018

Ever been asked for a discount? Here's a brilliant article on what to do when a client (or potential client) asks for one.

Always be wary of those who question the price because in my experience they are often late payers, will push the boundaries, question invoices and give you the most issues.

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One Key Skill That Led To My Success advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools upskill Jun 04, 2018

There is one key skill that has led to Jo's success. Do you possess the same skill? Watch to find out what it is.


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How To Find Clients For Your VA Business advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools May 21, 2018

Need clients for your new virtual assistant business?

Watch the video as I share my key strategy for finding clients and now have the most recommended virtual assistant company in New Zealand.


Without clients, you really don't have a business at all.

It can be daunting realising that you...

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3 Essential Apps advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools Apr 09, 2018

A child of the ‘80s and ‘90s, I remember thinking we were at the peak of space-age developments when I got my first Nokia phone (aka the brick) in high school. There I was, furiously click, click, clicking away, texting my friends in class and feeling like I was more advanced...

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Crazy Stalker Or Follow-Up Master? advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools Mar 26, 2018

In the previous post Jo shared her killer sales meeting process with you BUT it can't stop there.

Here are some stats that will shock you...

What this should remind you is the importance of resilience.  Don’t quit or give up - instead follow up and track...

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Killer Sales Meeting Process advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools Mar 12, 2018


Do you cringe at that word?

Many people do.

It might conjure thoughts of the sleazy second-hand car salesmen or you might think you're not a salesperson or haven't got it in you.

Well, I hate to break it to ya - but if you own a virtual assistant business (or any business)...

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5 Strategies To Get Past Your Self Doubt advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools Feb 26, 2018

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will." - Suzy Kassem

It can be hard stepping out of your comfort zone, especially with that little voice of self-doubt saying "you can't do it" or "you're not good enough".

I know that voice all too well, but over the years I have managed to get that...

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Top 7 Tips For Becoming A High Performing Virtual Assistant advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools upskill Feb 12, 2018

There are two types of virtual assistants.

The first type simply completes tasks allocated by their client in a reactive way.

The other prefers to work proactively. They can put themselves in their client’s shoes, think ahead on their behalf and anticipate their needs. They are one...

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Stand-Out Email Signature advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools Jan 29, 2018

Having a professional email signature is a must!

I recommend using Wisestamp or Email Signature Rescue to create your email signature.

They both have templates set up that you can choose from, add your branding, add your contact details and voila!

An email signature that is professional and...

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